Front Key Rail Washers

A full range front rail “baizes” and paper/card washers is available – please see below:

Front Rail Baize Washers

  • in 5 thicknesses – see below
  • available in sets of 90, or bags of 1,000
  • diameter: 20mm
  • colour: green
3mm Front Rail Baizes (37a)
4mm Front Rail Baizes (37b)
5mm Front Rail Baizes (37c)
6mm Front Rail Baizes (37d)
7mm Front Rail Baizes (37e)


Front Rail Washers, paper & card

  • for fine adjustment of the front rail
  • available in 5 different thicknesses
  • supplied in packets of 1,000
0.075mm (38a)
0.125mm (38b)
0.25mm    (38c)
0.50mm   (38d)
0.75mm   (38e)

 To order or check prices of any of the above items please email or phone me on 01494 758713,