Fish Glue (hot glue replacement)

160k Fish Glue

All the great qualities of traditional hot glue but without the hassle!

My Fish Glue requires no heating and is easy to use straight from the bottle. Ideal for wood/wood joints, as well as felt, cloth & leather to wood.

Available in 250ml bottles (no. 160k)

Various questions have been asked about this Fish Glue. The questions and answers were as follows:

Shelf life: The official lifetime is about a year. If you keep it under good conditions it may keep for several years. It might be necessary to add some drops of water from time to time to avoid that the glue settling down – so for maximum shelf life shake it every 3-4 months and you should be able to keep it for years. It will be destroyed if frozen!

Cure time: The Fish glue is a little faster in its reaction than a standard white woodglue. So it will have a first connection after 15 minute. It should stay clamped about 1-2 hours. If it is glued under tension, it is good to keep the clamps over night – but at least for 3-4 hours.

Can the glued joint be undone for resetting?: Yes you can open the glue with heat and moisture. Or with treatment with a soft acid. (The same way as hideglue or bone glue.)

Is this product cleaned up with water?: Yes as long as the glue is not hard you can easily clean everything with water or better warm water. If the glue once becomes hard it is a longer way to get it off.

If you have any questions, wish to order, or check prices please email or phone me on 01494 758713